NIO Desk, July 14
Falling in love can be one of life’s most beautiful experiences. Breakups, on the other hand, can be painful. You need the mutual consent of two people to begin a relationship, but the loss of feelings on one person’s behalf can be enough to end the relationship. That is sometimes painful to deal with.
However, if you are the one who has been taken for granted by your partner, you must exit gracefully by making some of these surprisingly mature statements.
When you didn’t expect sudden breakup: I understand how upsetting this is, but I respect your decision to part ways. Wish you good luck.
When you decide not to stay friends: I’m grateful for all the good memories we shared and wish you a bright future. It was wonderful knowing you.
When saying goodbye to a love that was not healthy: We’ve had our fair share of disagreements, and I’m glad you’re calling it quits before things get worse. After all, mental health is dependent on mental peace.
When you want a second chance: I understand your point of view because we’ve been fighting recently. But I really care about you, and I think we’d get along well. Maybe we can talk about it again after we’ve had some time to think about it?
When it is time to the end of the office romance: I know we haven’t always agreed on everything recently, but I hope we can continue to work together amicably and professionally.
The mutual goodbye: I wish you well and would like to keep in touch even if we both don’t see each other.
When you wish you’d ended your relationship with them: We’ve been stuck in this relationship for a long time, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t relieved you brought it up.
When it ends, it is very important to maintain your grace and standards while breaking up. This sounds easier said than done, but it is the time you need to gain respect in the eyes of the other person before you say goodbye. That is why you should respect the other person decision and leave gracefully. What is better, living in a toxic relationship or choosing your mental health? Choose wisely.
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