Municipal Corporation gets serious for compliance of Solid Waste Management of Bulk Waste Generators*
Chandigarh, October 4
Tightening the noose around defaulters for non-compliance of statutory provisions of Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016 by some BWGs and at the same time appreciating the efforts of some other BWGs, Municipal Corporation Chandigarh served notice to defaulter GMSH-16, Chandigarh and also gave waiver of penalty to 4 BWG private societies.
Ms. Anindita Mitra, IAS, Commissioner, Municipal Corporation Chandigarh said that all institutions or societies , Government or Private, which is a bulk waste generator, is mandated to, as per the Solid Waste Management rules 2016, to process their own wet waste as stipulated in the Rule 4 (7) of SWM Rules, 2016.
As per the notice, the Director, Health Services, GMSH-16 has been directed to comply with waste management norms by 14th October 2023, failing which the hospital will be fined as per rules.
Failure to comply with rule 4 (7) of SWM rules 2016 Rs. 500+19500 shall be levied once in a month as a fine and administrative charges and failure to handover the residual waste to MCC, as per rule 4 (7) of SWM rules 2016 . Rs. 2000 per day shall be levied upon bulk waste generators who are unable to process their waste onsite as a payment for collection, transport and processing by MCC.
After conducting the physical inspection conducted by the field supervisory staff of MCC, it was noticed that the statutory provisions were not being complied with and processing of wet waste was not being done by the hospital authorities in accordance with the rules.
In another order passed by the Commissioner, major relief was given to the four Bulk Waste Generator societies as per the resolution passed by the General House on dated 29.08.2023 that the penalty under SWM Rules 2016 imposed on these four societies namely BSNL Society sector 50, Kendriya Vihar Society sector 48, Pushpak Society sector 49 and Progressive Society sector 50, Chandigarh be waived off immediately from further water billing cycle.
The waste processing of these four societies is to be done in an SSK of MCC where a machine has been set up for the purpose. The same has been purchased through MPLAD funds. The machine shall be operational as soon as electricity connection is released.