Earth is the only place known in the universe where life has originated and found habitability. Earth Day is an annual event to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Department of Science & Technology (DST) funded Technology Enabling Centre (TEC) of Panjab University Chandigarh has collaborated with Haryawal-Punjab to celebrate Earth day on 19th April 2023. Coordinator of DST-TEC, Professor Manu Sharma shared that on occasion of EARTH day, Haryawal Punjab wants to motivate students as well as teachers to conserve natural resources and the existing natural environment and, where possible, to repair damage and reverse trends. He further shared that through this event,DST-TEC of Panjab University aims to motivate students as well as teachers to develop indigenous technologies that can be utilized for: protecting our environment, reducing pollution (air/water/noise), reducing global warming, reversing climate change, conserving natural resources, increasing water-table, reducing occurrence of floods/droughts/cloud-bursts etc. Keynote lecture titled “Indian philosophy on Environment” will be delivered at 3:30 PM on 19th April 2023 inside auditorium of University Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology (UICET), by renowned environmentalist Er Gopal Arya. Er Gopal Arya is all India Convenor of Environment Protection Activity. This lecture is expected to be attended by students as well as teachers from Panjab University, colleges affiliated to the Panjab University and Chandigarh Region Innovation and Knowledge Cluster (CRIKC) Institutes.