Punjab Government releases Rs. 9 crore to 3935 construction workers : Anmol Gagan Maan

Says, construction workers play an important role in the development of every state

Chandigarh, March 6

          Labour, Grievance Redressal, Investment Promotion, Tourism and Cultural Affairs and Hospitality Minister Anmol Gagan Mann said that the state government has released Rs 9 crore to 3935 construction workers under various welfare schemes through the Punjab Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board.

          Minister said that various schemes are available for the welfare of construction workers through the Punjab Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board.  She added that in order to give the benefit of the welfare scheme, registration of the construction workers is done by organizing a special camp at the district level so that the eligible beneficiaries can get the benefit of the various schemes of the state government.

          Mentioning the welfare schemes available for construction workers, the minister explained that Shagan scheme is available for the marriage of daughters of construction workers.  She said that financial assistance has been provided in case of death of the worker under the ex-gratia scheme.  The minister told that any construction worker who has worked as a construction worker for more than 90 days in the last 12 months and whose age is between 18-60 years can become a beneficiary.

          On this occasion, the Minister directed the officials to work more diligently and transparently to provide benefits of welfare schemes to the construction workers so that the construction workers can be economically strengthened.