Bhavan Vidyalaya New Chandigarh Students Showcase India’s Diversity at

Bhavan Vidyalaya New Chandigarh Students Showcase India’s Diversity at
Cultural Fair
The students of Classes 5-8 at Bhavan Vidyalaya, New Chandigarh organized a
Cultural Diversity Fair on Wednesday, 11 October 2023 as the culminating event of the
Subject Integration Week conducted in school. It was a celebration of India’s diversity,
offering a unique experience of six Indian states/Union Territory: Maharashtra, Punjab,
Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Bihar, Gujarat, and Himachal Pradesh. Students
showcased their learnings through a splendid array of displays and experiences,
featuring cuisine, folk songs, dances, traditional attire, languages, and more.
The Subject Integration Week offered students a unique opportunity to delve into the
diverse cultures of various Indian states and merge the rich tapestry of their cultural
heritage with different subject areas through various integrated activities. For each
state, the students researched about the traditional sports and the Math behind them,
the traditional musical instruments and the Science behind them, the local cuisine,
ingredients used, agricultural techniques, cooking methods, traditional attire, state
symbols unique to the state and presented these through informative presentations,
brochures and board displays.
While Punjab showcased its vibrancy and vigor through the theme of a “Mela” (fair), the
waft of traditional Kashmiri cuisine transported us to the ‘Paradise on Earth’.
Maharashtra welcomed us with a mesmerizing Ganesh Vandana, and transported us to
the streets of BandStand- enjoying pani-puri and vada pavs. Bihar’s mouth-watering
Litthi Chokha, highlighted the rich flavors and regional excellence of Bihar’s cuisine.
Gujarati Garba, with its energy and Himachali Naati, with its graceful and mesmerizing
movements, had us tapping our feet, completely enchanted by the diversity of India’s
traditional dance forms. The class representing Karnataka immersed us in a mosaic of
culture, history and traditions that ignited a deep appreciation for the state’s remarkable
The School Principal, Ms. Inderpreet Kaur, commended the students and teachers for
their enthusiastic and brilliant showcase, and encouraged them to embrace and
celebrate the cultural diversity that makes India a truly remarkable nation.