Enactus SSBUICET team of Panjab University took the spirit of education far beyond the borders of Chandigarh. The team which is on a 2 days tour to Ludhiana and Amritsar for project outreach visited Navyug Laminates today, a unit of Versatile Enterprises Pvt. Ltd., Ludhiana, which is into manufacturing of lining & fusible interlining, laminated &technical fabrics for Garment Industry. The visit was organized by Shri. Akhil Seth, Director of Versatile Group and Ms.Geetanjali Bakshi, CSR Coordinator of Versatile Group, who are providing great support to Enactus team for Uday project.
Enactus team in collaboration with Versatile group had designed and launched cloth based sanitary napkins in September 2021 and also launched the workshop series on Menstrual Health & Hygiene, “Mytharche-Transfusing NextGen Perspective” in April 2022 to dismantle the taboo associated with menstruation and advocate theuse of cloth-based, reusable, eco-friendly sanity napkins, conveyed Prof. Seema Kapoor, Faculty Advisor of Enactus team. Versatile group has been providing the cloth for making these sanitary napkins under its CSR project Amodini, told Preet Kanwal, president of Enactus team.
This industrial visit was helpful in enhancing the horizons of Enactus team and helping the Enactus students understand the intricate working of the industry, told Tushar Jhanwar & Gaurav Mishra, Vice-presidents of Enactus team. The team had an interactive session with workers of the industry to understand the working conditions, everyday functioning and skill management. The industrial visit was followed by an educational conversation with the women in the industry on the importance of menstrual hygiene and the benefits of cloth based sanitary napkins, conveyed Ainesh, Vice president-Technical, Enactus. The team thanked the women for their contribution to the industry and also felt grateful to the Versatile group for the hospitality.
Mr. Seth was happy to seethe young members of Enactus team serving the underprivileged communities and making a meaningful difference in their communities, while gaining the experience, skills and contacts necessary to build a successful career. He said that the Enactus students will definitely become value driven leaders.
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