Prestigious TARE fellowship awarded by DST SERB to UIET faculty


Prestigious TARE fellowship awarded by DST SERB to UIET faculty

Dr. Prashant Jindal, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, University Institute of Engineering & Technology(UIET), Panjab University(PU), Chandigarh has been awarded with the prestigious Teachers Associateship for Research Excellence (TARE) research fellowship by Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India for a period of three years.

Host Institute for carrying out this research work is  National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research(NITTTR) with Prof. S.S. Dhami. Both collaborators would work on an important and impactful research area on  Designing fixture plates with different 3D printing materials for optimizing cranial implant thickness used in skull reconstruction. A total grant of Rs.18.30 Lacs has been sanctioned. This research work would result in innovation related to light weight and high strength 3D printed implant materials and fixture plates, that would serve the patients in repairing of cranial fractures.

Dr. Jindal has already been a recipient of another prestigious Commonwealth Rutherford Fellowship and is also leading Design Innovation Centre project for medical devices at UIET.