By serving Krishna no one becomes a loser

By serving Krishna no one becomes a loser, and I can explain this from my own practical experience. When I left India, alone, in 1965, I was afraid that I would have a lot of trouble. The Indian government did not allow me to take any money out of the country, so I came with just a few books and forty rupees. Reached New York City in similar condition but all was by the grace of Guru Maharaja and Krishna. Everything happens by the combined mercy of Krishna and the spiritual master.

In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is stated that the mercy of Krishna and the Guru are combined. That’s the secret of the success of this movement for Krishna consciousness. Krishna is always within us, and therefore He knows everything about our intentions, and gives us the opportunity to act as we decide.

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
The Science of Self-Realization