Delhi, July 23
Continuing its efforts to abate air pollution in the National Capital Region (NCR) through enhanced green cover and large-scale plantation, the Commission for Air Quality Management in NCR & Adjoining Areas (CAQM) has been reviewing the progress of plantation in the NCR districts of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan and NCT of Delhi. As against the revised plantation target of 3,34,56,541, the NCR Districts of Haryana, Rajasthan, U.P. and NCT of Delhi have achieved plantation of 01,81,90,447, i.e., an achievement of more than 54% as on 20th July.
The plan for the year 2022-23, mandates enhanced plantation targets as compared to the previous year and State Governments of Haryana, Rajasthan, U.P. and GNCTD have set increased plantation targets for the year 2022-23. As on 20.07.2022, NCT of Delhi has done 8,38,416 plantations as against the plantation target of 35,06,900; NCR Districts of U.P. has done 1,52,36,379 plantations as against the plantation target of 1,87,39,565; Haryana (NCR) has done 17,06,152 plantations as against the target of 1,01,56,447; and two NCR districts of Rajasthan have done 4,09,500 plantations as against the target of 10,53,629. The percentage achievement, as compared to the revised target, as on 20th July by NCR Haryana, NCR Uttar Pradesh, NCR Rajasthan and NCT of Delhi is 16.7%, 81.3%, 38.8% and 23.9 % respectively.
The NCR States of Haryana and Rajasthan and GNCTD need to gather further momentum and were directed to expedite the plantation drive to achieve their respective targets and send an updated status as on 31.07.2022 by early August. The Commission has also taken an initiative to engage various major stakeholders including from Universities, Higher Education and Research Institutions to push the plantation drive in the National Capital Region.
The plantation progress will be reviewed again by the Commission with the NCR States and NCTD in August.

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