Ludhiana, November 1:

Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann on Wednesday said that the state government has taken several pro-people and development oriented decisions in its tenure of 18 months.

Addressing the gathering during ‘Main Punjab Boldaan Hann’ debate, the Chief Minister said that ever since assuming charge of office the state government have taken path breaking initiatives for the well being of every section of society adding that 18 months of Aam Aadmi government has overshadowed the ‘so called achievements’ of previous governments. He said that the state government has ushered a new era of unprecedented development and progress in Punjab. Bhagwant Singh Mann said that due to strenuous efforts of the state government Punjab today leads the country in every arena.

The Chief Minister said that the state government has taken several decisions with financial prudence due to which the state’s own tax revenue has enhanced by 13.2% as compared to 8% during Akali regime in 2012-17 and 6.1% during Congress regime from 2017-22. Likewise, he said that VAT/ GST collection has also sought upward revision of 16.6%, state excise has increased by 37%, stamp and registration by 27.8% and tax on vehicles by 13.3%. Bhagwant Singh Mann said that the state government has checked pilferages in the taxes besides checking corruption due to which income of state government has enhanced.

The Chief Minister said that the state government has Restored 1400 KMs of canals that were abandoned by the successive state governments from many years. He said that the incomplete canals are being constructed to the required length adding that the state government has restored 13,471 water channels (Khals) within a year out of over 15000 water channels were abandoned from 20 to 30 years. Bhagwant Singh Mann said that contrary to the earlier policy, now those water channels are being repaired, which were not repaired even after 25 years after the construction.

Likewise, the Chief Minister said that three times more work of repair of canals and water channels is being executed under MGNREGA in the year 2023-24 (Rs. 228 crore) in comparison to the year 2020-21 (Rs. 77 crore). He said that usage of Canal water has increased over 38% during this year as compared to last year adding that over 5000 cases have been disposed off in a year, which were pending for several years. Bhagwant Singh Mann said that the state government has transformed over 40 non-perennial canals into perennial.

THE Chief Minister further said that Malwa Canal and Canals in Pathankot district are being constructed and Rivers/Rivulets/Drains/Minors are being notified for the first time, that will enable the government to identify the same and remove encroachments. Bhagwant Singh Mann said that the state government has waived off 10% share being levied on farmers for repairing of water courses.

The Chief Minister said that the Kandi canal project, which was pending for 16 years, has been restored up to 90% and the canal was run at over 90% capacity for the first time. He said that a new Act for water resources is being enacted to replace over the 150-year-old Act, which will simplify the process, reduce litigation, improve public participation and enable implementation of projects expeditiously. Bhagwant Singh Mann said that the state government has resolved the long pending issues to complete the project hanging for 20 years and construction of the dam will be completed by December 2023.

Talking about the financial situation of the state, the Chief Minister said that the state government has paid off debts of Institutions like PUNSUP, PMIDC/PFC, Land Mortgage Bank, Punjab Mandi Board, Punjab Sugarfed and others. He said the state government has waived off the domestic consumer bills worth Rs 1298 crores in FY 2022-23. Likewise, Bhagwant Singh Mann said that the state government has paid the pending arrears of central share of Rs.1750 crores for centrally sponsored schemes.

The Chief Minister said that while the previous government had given 56,623 jobs to youth during their tenure of five years from April 1 2017 to March 17, 2022, his government has given jobs to 37,100 youth merely in 18 months. He said that on an average the state government has given jobs to 23,432 youth in one year, which is a record in itself. Bhagwant Singh Mann said that all the jobs have been given completely on the basis of merit by adopting a complete transparent process.

The Chief Minister further said that in a historic initiative the state government has changed the times of government offices to 7:30 am to 2 pm during summers. He said that it proved beneficial for the state government as Peak demand of power was reduced by 250 MW, thereby power demand was managed more appropriately adding that common people used to avail services from government offices by noon, and were free to do their routine work later in the day. Bhagwant Singh Mann said that with this step, the traffic became staggered and it became easier for the public to commute adding that several other states had desired to replicate the same model in their states.

The Chief Minister said that in a historic initiative the services of Ad hoc, contract, daily-wage, work-charged and temporary employees who have completed 10 years of service are being regularized . He said that earlier, these employees were on path of agitation and used to climb atop the water tanks and bear the brunt of water cannons but due to this initiative of government, so far services of 12,351 teachers have been regularized and their salaries have been increased by an average of two to three times. Bhagwant Singh Mann announced that services of about 9,000 more employees will be regularized by the end of this year.