Chandigarh, June 27:-
The Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India gave final nod to the proposal of UT Chandigarh Administration regarding externally aided project of Municipal Corporation Chandigarh for 24×7 pan city water supply at Chandigarh with the financial outlay of Rs. 576.57 crore for the period 2022-23 to 2026-27.
While sharing this development, Sh. Dharm Pal, IAS, Adviser to the Administrator, UT, Chandigarh said that approval letter regarding the final nod of MHA has been received in this office today. He said that the Union Territory of Chandigarh had signed a Memorandum of Undertaking (MoU) with Agence Francaise de Development (AFD) in 2016, Wherein AFD has agreed, to support among other sectors, the water supply, sanitation and waste management.
He said that primary goals of project are switching from intermittent supply to 24×7 continuous pressurized supply system citing health, hygiene and water saving benefits. Objectives, 100% Coverage of Water Supply connections, Water resource augmentation through leakage reduction ,Per Capita Water Supply -150 lpcd, House service connection with AMR Ready water meter, Extent of NRW/UFW =15%, Monitoring the energy consumption Equitable and Sustainable round the clock distribution system, Water tariff policy for the sustainability of the system.
The Adviser said that the major outputs of the project are refurbishment of 269 KM of Water Supply Network to increase the system’s economic life, to provide adequate pressure in distribution Network for 24×7 water supplies at consumer end is maintained, providing health and time management benefits via continuous 24×7 Water supply. To provide improved supervision and monitoring of water supply network, to reduce dependency on groundwater. Enabling automation of Water Supply Management (DMA wise) leveraging SCADA, to achieve conservation of ultimate scarce resource target to reducing Non-Revenue Water & energy consumption.
He further said that there is Climate Mitigation/Adaptation through project that qualifies the project as ‘Climate’ as well a ‘Clean Technology’ project, as the total GHG emissions shall reach a lower level than current CO2 emitted from existing system by 28833 tons annually through executing the project. The project aims at reducing lowering electricity consumption based on operations of energy efficiency pumping sets and optimum water consumption at consumer end. The project aims the use of surface water source in place of ground water and reduces the pressure on underground water to release the stress on aquifers that will improve ground water level and in turn will improve the micro-climatic conditions of Chandigarh.
The Adviser said that maintaining streaming of Gender the project also proposes following preferences:
a) Employment of 20% women in construction phase and O&M activities with safe work working conditions, equal pay for work between male and female workers.
b) Participation of 50% female stakeholders in consultation meetings, focus group discussions on project implementation plan, awareness.
c) Campaigns to be conducted, involving the participation of women and men facilitators (30% women) on awareness of water supply, water borne diseases, importance of water savings.

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