Chandigarh, June 25
Continuing with his endeavours to pace up the work of the satellite centres of PGIMER, Prof. Vivek Lal, Director PGIMER visited PGI Satellite Centre site at Sangrur following his visit to satellite centre at Una last week.
He was accompanied by a high level team comprising Prof. G D Puri Dean (Academics), Sh. Kumar Gaurav Dhawan, Deputy Director Administration, Prof. Vipin Koushal, Medical Superintendent, Sh. Kumar Abhay, Financial Advisor and members of Computer Section and Engineering Wing from PGIMER.
The Director PGIMER along with his accompanying team took extensive rounds of all the buildings e.g. OPD Block, Hospital Block, Director Bungalow, Residential Units and Hostel. After a detailed round, he chaired a meeting with the officials and executing agency representatives and directed them to avoid any further delay in completion of the project.
The director also instructed the representatives of the executing agency to award the services tenders expeditiously. After detailed discussion, the director PGIMER directed them for timely execution of the project. The executing agency was also instructed for the completion of the milestones as per the stipulated timelines so that the Centre could be made operational.
During interaction with the executing agency, the visiting team was apprised of the progress on the upcoming Centre. The interaction was followed by a site visit of the PGI Satellite Centre.
Later, the PGIMER team visited the temporary OPD of the PGI Satellite Centre, Sangrur where they interacted with doctors, paramedics and patients and enquired about the facilities being provided to the patients there.
The visit concluded with the executing agency giving an assurance of timely execution of the project.

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