S.A.S. Town, 22 June
National Statistical Office, a field operation division of Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation is going to launch the 79th Round of SE survey on Comprehesive Annual Modular Survey(CAMS) and Survey on AYUSH w.e.f 1st July, 2022,and will continue till 30thJune, 2023.
The survey on AYUSH is first of its kind and is being conducted on the request of the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India.
The Comprehensive Annual Modular Survey(CAMS) is being conducted to compile high frequency socio-economic indicators and also to monitor Sustainable Development Goals. In this survey data will be collected on awareness/knowledge of AYUSH, expenditure on AYUSH treatment, penetration of AYUSH, information on formal education, access to some basic amenities, monthly household consumption expenditure, knowledge regarding use of ICT etc. using digital mode of data collection.
A three day Regional Training Conference in respect of Regional Office, Mohali PB(S), involving field officers/officials of Centre, commenced on 22.06.2022 at Hotel Candy, Phase 11-Mohali.The main objective of this training programme is to impart training to the field staff so that they are fully equipped with all the concepts and technicalities required for data collection.
At the outset Shri Rajnish Mathur, Deputy Director General, Regional Office, Mohali, welcomed the participants and briefed the objectives of the surveys. He also requested the participants to make full use of the training programme and clarify all their doubts before the start of the field work. Shri Sanjib Basu, Deputy Director General, DQAD, Kolkata, who has been nominated as Facilitator for this training programme, emphasized the need of qualitative and quantitative data in the formulation of policies at central as well as state level.
While welcoming the participants, he stressed on the data collectors to put in real efforts while collecting data so that the real picture is captured. He also appealed the print and electronic media for wide publicity of the survey so that the general public can provide information without any fear/doubts. Shri Mohan LalSharma,EconomicAdvisor,DES also highlighted the importance of socio-economic surveys in the policy formulation & resource allocation and underlined the role of reliable data.