Advanced Eye Centre PGIMER Chandigarh 25-10-2022


In view of the Diwali Festival and anticipation of many emergencies due to cracker injuries, the Advanced Eye Centre, PGIMER has made an elaborate arrangement to meet and provide immediate treatment to the patients reporting to the PGIMER.
The department has doctors and staffs on special emergency duty round the clock at the Advance Eye centre PGIMER, Chandigarh from the morning of 23-10-2022 to 26-10-2022 (8 am) to attend the patients on arrival.
A total of 28 patients came to the Advanced Eye Centre on 24-10-2022 (8 AM to 25-10-2022 8 AM) with alleged history of fire crackers injuries in 24 hours. There were 25 males and 3 females, of theses 16 were age≤15 years and the youngest being 8 years old. There were 17 patients from Tri city (Chandigarh-11 Mohali and PKL- 6) and rest from the neighbouring states of Punjab (3), Haryana (5) and Himachal Pradesh (3). Fourteen patients were bystanders and rest 14 were bursting crackers themselves.
Out of 28 patients 11 eye have open globe injuries and needed emergency surgeries (9 patients were already operated) and nine of these have serious injuries. Rest 17 have either minor injuries or closed globe injuries, and were managed conservatively. We have comparative data of previous 2 years and we feel it was comparatively higher cases in this Diwali 2022, authorities said.
Year 2020 2021 2022
Total 27 (in 48 hours) 15 (in 24 hours) 28 (in 24 hours)
Males/Females 17 Males 13 Female 13 males 2 females 25 males and 3 females
Adults/child 14 adults 13 children 9 adults 6 children 12 Adults 16 children
Self/Observer 13 self 14 observer 5 self 10 observer 14 each
Unilateral/bilateral 21 unilateral 6 bilateral All unilateral 27 unilateral 1 bilateral
Tricity/Neighbouring state 13 tricity, 14 neighbouring states 5 tricity, 10 neighbouring states 17 tricity and 6 neighbouring states

PGIMER received 4 patients of firecracker BURN INJURIES.

Total Four patients of burn injuries reported to the Plastic Surgery department, Advanced Truma center, PGIMER. Out of these 3 patients sustained hand injuries because of firecracker bursting in hand. They are stable and are undergoing treatment. One patient sustained thermal burns which were minor and is undergoing treatment on out-patient basis in the department of PLASTIC SURGERY, PGIMER, Chandigarh