Chandigarh Market Committee makes services online from June 6

Chandigarh market committee makes services online

Chandigarh, June 6

The following services have been made online by the State Agricultural Marketing Board/ Market Committee, Chandigarh, under reduction of regulatory compliance burden and for the convenience of the stakeholders. They are not required to visit the office repeatedly to know the status of their application as they will be able to access the same online.

The online services will help in decreasing license issuance/ renewal, short issuance/ renewal procedure, the system would run in smooth way through use of technology, records will be made online, files will be made online and filing cost would decrease. Facilitation desk has been set-up in the office of the Market Committee, Chandigarh for the assistance of the licenses/ applicants in getting filled the applications.

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The services are:

1.    Issuance of License U/s 13 of the Punjab Agricultural Produce Markets Act, 1961.

2.    Renewal of License U/s 13 of the Punjab Agricultural Produce Markets Act, 1961.

3.    Issuance of license is lieu of old U/s of the Punjab Agricultural Produce Markets Act, 1961.

4.    Modification in license U/s 10 of the Punjab Agricultural Produce Markets Act, 1961.

5.    Renewal of Licence U/s 10 of the Punjab Agricultural Produce Markets Act, 1961.

Read more on – North India One